Is Golden Ratio really helpful?

* Nature is full of amazing phenomena like Spiral Leaves Growth found in many Plants, not just like Sunflower, which follows golden ratio.

* In Photography, the Rule of Thirds is argulbly the strongest, most important rule of composition. It tend to provide the overall framework for an image, creating 'balance' and allowing other compositional elements to work with the photo. At the very least it is a good starting point when composing a shot.

* The above mentioned examples are just a grain of sand among other vast applications of Golden Ratio. Below are some more examples of it...

Brand Logos

Top brand logos utilising the concept of Golden Ratio are listed below

1. Apple

2. McDonald

3. Nike

4. Adidas

5. Twitter

6. Volkswagen

7. Android

8. Pepsi

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Natural Elements

Here are some mind blowing natural phenomenon of Golden Ratio

1. Flower

2. Snail

3. Face

4. Space

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The significance of Golden Ratio in Historical Monuments are listed below

1. Parthenon

2. Pyramid of Giza

3. Taj Mahal

4. Roman Arch

5. Notre Dame

6. Eiffel Tower

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Arts and Photography

No suprise that various Art forms and Photography also use Golden Ratio !!

1. Painting of Mona Lisa

2. Renaissance

3. Last Supper

4. Da Vinci's Anatomy

5. Picture

6. Statue of Liberty

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